Degassing Application


Truth be told, the Degassing Application process of liquids is a thrilling application for the ultrasonic gadget. During this process, the tiny suspended gas bubbles were efficiently removed by the ultrasound while decreasing the dissolved level of gas below its normal equilibrium.

Degassing is important when it comes to the following purposes:

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Sample preparation prior to particle-size measurement in order to prevent errors in measurements

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Lubricant and oil degassing prior to pumping in order to decrease pump wear because of cavitation

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Liquid foods degassing such as sauce, juice and wine in order to reduce growth of microorganisms while increasing shelf life

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Varnishes and polymers degassing prior to curing and application

There are many different strategies used when degassing media such as subsequent filtering, helium sparging, warming, and vacuum degassing. This can give effective degassing solutions but will become more efficient if you’ll use a great solvent together with the degassing process.

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Degassing Application

AQUAQUICK 2000 for degassing

The AQUAQUICK 2000 has taken the market by storm because of its effectiveness as a cleaning agent. For example, the vacuum degassing is performed in order to conveniently eliminate over 95% of the dissolve gas, especially when the used media is considerable under the vacuum’s great layers. During the liquids sonication, the sound waves are travelling right from the surface that’s radiating through the liquid media. As an outcome, it replaces high pressure and low pressure cycles along with the specific rates based on the frequency level.

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